Summer Time

Imagine a place where summer is best.
A blissful oasis - (and you don’t have to be dressed).
Yes, a pool beneath a sunny sky - where carefree spirits can unwind - and fly.

The pool is our canvas, clear and bright.
When the day is hot, and nothing sits right.
Let the sun, a ball of golden fire, caress tender skin with its warm desire.
Its rays gently touch our upturned faces.

The scent of sunscreen floats on the breeze, A fragrant reminder of the summer’s ease.
Around the pool, greenery lush and grand, A tranquil haven, far from demands.
In the shade, a refuge from the heat, A place to unwind, find solace, retreat.

A taste of summer lingers upon the lips.
Drink sweet lemonade with refreshing sips.
The coolness whispers like a secret lover, A respite from the world - to uncover.

So come, let go of your worries, Embrace the sun, and create your own stories.
In this summer paradise, pure and true, Find a piece of heaven that’s just for you.

Production: @______.raw
DOP: @tilen.racic T®
Motion: @victor_thiebaud
Actor & voice: @zainja
Summer Time

Summer Time


Creative Fields